Support Women in Business
Your contribution will enable us to empower women and connect them with resources to explore the world of business.
Donor Information
Visit the donate button or click here.
When choosing a designation, select “Other”.
Under “Designation Description,” specify “Undergraduate Women in Business”.
2022-23 Sponsors
Thank you for your continued support of a more inclusive workforce and for making Vanderbilt Women in Business possible!
Sponsorship Interest Form
Corporate Sponsorship
Advertising in WiB newsletter for 1 semester
Distribution of recruiting materials to WiB members
Everything included in the Bronze package
Social media post highlighting partnership
Access to WiB Resume Book
Everything included in the Silver package
Logo featured on WiB-site and newsletter for 1 year
Private information session
For additional information, please contact Dani Cumming (2023-24 VP of Finance): daniela.cumming@vanderbilt.edu and review this packet: WiB Sponsorship Packet